Grand Theft Auto Cheats

Grand Theft Auto Cheats
Grand Theft Auto was published for in 1997 for PC, Playstation and Game Boy Color. Earlier a completly new game behave and combination of different posibilities in GTA 1, like action-adventure and race game. Now to the cheats of GTA 1.
In this Cheat List 9 active cheats are available.

GTA - PC Cheats - Grand Theft Auto Cheats

50.000 bonus points

Collect points quite easy can you in Grand Theft Auto 2 if you type this cheat in GTA 1. Immetiately after you typed in this cheat code, you will get 50.000 ..

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Invulnerability (infinite life)

This cheat-code for Grand Theft Auto 1 is one of the famous. With this cheat you are invulnerable because you have infinite life.

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All Guns

All guns of Grand Theft Auto 1 can you use with this cheat. Type this cheat as usual in the character screen. So here now the cheat for all guns in Grand The..

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Full armor, all weapons and a prison free-card

If you type this cheat in Grand Theft Auto 1 you get all weapons with full munitions, full armor and a prison free-card.

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Multiplier 10 times

Ten times the value can you achieve with this cheat code in Grand Theft Auto 1. Type the code for the multiplier as usaual in the character screen.

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no police (switch off police)

The police in Grand Theft Auto 1 can you swith off with this cheat. So the missions are easier but the game is not nearly so funny.

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unlock all cities and levels

If you type this cheat code in GTA 1 in the character screen you have unlocked all cities and levels.

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view the GTA 1 Cutszenes

This cheat is very special. No weapons or armor but you can see the GTA 1 Cutszenes on your PC.

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set points on 999.999.999

This cheat provide for an amount of 999.999.999 in Grand Theft Auto 1 on your PC.

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Buy me a beer

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